3/9/2011,从LA时间2011年3月6日下午4点30分开始至3月7日中午12点,本次OFC会议的WorksShop宣告结束。据笔者统计,本次OFC的WorksShop共举办了十四场,共涉及十四个主题,分别是:1、Next generation fibers for high-capacity transmission: radical solutions;
2、Best saturable absorber for mode-locked fiber lasers: SESAME, CNT, or Graphene?
3、Photonic integration: more technologies than applications;
4、Where can optical analog-digital conversion compete?
5、Software defined optical transceivers: what can we do with them?
6、What is next for high speed PON: evolution or revolution?
7、Beyond 100G, options, and implications for today’s networks;
8、Next generation network convergence: how will the architectures of mega data
centers and traditional telecommunication networks evolve towards a future ICT
9、Exascale computing: where optics meets electronics;
10、Is Si Photonics applicable to the telecom industry;
11、Spectrally/Bitrate flexible optical network design and operation;
12、Flexible optical networking capacity at its limits?;
13、Wireline and wireless access network integration/convergence;
14、FTTX:what does X mean to you?
今天(2011年3月7日)下午1点30开始,技术会议在前期WorksShop的结束中全面铺开,主要涉及以下19个主题:1、Fiber characterization;
2、OFDM access systems;
3、Optical amplifier;
4、Ultra long haul transmission;
5、Clock and carrier phase estimation;
6、Optical packet systems;
8、Photonic networks on chip;
9、Optical network architecture;
10、Flexible networks;
11、FTTX new technologies;
12、Quantum effects, light scattering and MPI;
13、WDM PON;14、Fiber lasers;
15、Spectral shaping for high spectral efficiencies;
17、Optical signal regeneration;
18、Emerging interconnect technologies;
19、Optical Network demos。