M2A.1 Broadband 145GHz Photodetector Module Targeting 200GBaud Applications 德国弗朗霍夫研究院做出了145GHz的PD
M2A.4 4×112 Gbps/fiber CWDM VCSEL Arrays for Co-Packaged Interconnects HP公司在高速VCSEL的进展
M2B.3 Uncooled Operation of 53-Gbaud PAM4 EA-DFB Lasers in the Wavelength Range of 1510-1570 nm for 800-GbE Applications Lumentum 日本在高速EA-DFB激光器的进展
M2J.1 DSP-aided Telemetry in Monitoring Linear and Nonlinear Optical Transmission Impairments 上海交大诸葛群碧老师的特邀报告
M2K.4 Real-time Operation of Silicon Photonic Neurons 普林斯顿大学,加拿大皇后大学等合作将硅光用于神经网络研究,光听名字就很酷
M3A.1Indium Phosphide Photonic Circuits on Silicon Electronics 荷兰爱丁霍温大学将InP做成膜放在硅上
M3A.2 1.6Tbps Coherent 2-Channel Transceiver Using a Monolithic Tx/Rx InP PIC and Single SiGe ASIC Infinera InP集成PIC的最新成就
M3A.4On-Chip Mode-division Multiplexing with Modal Crosstalk Mitigation 上海交大与诺基亚贝尔实验室的合作
M4F.1 280 Gb/s IM/DD PS-PAM-8 Transmission Over 10 km SSMF at O-band For Optical Interconnects 虽然直调系统今年不热衷,但复旦和北邮这篇文章依然很有价值
M4C.3Full C-band and Power Efficient Coupled-multi-core Fiber Amplifier NTT在扩展EDFA频谱的努力
M4H.1Si PIC Based on Photonic Crystal for LiDAR Applications 日本横滨大学 硅光在激光雷达的应用
M4H.5 Grating Coupled Laser (GCL) for Si Photonics II-VI致力于解决硅光的耦合问题
T3B.2 Integrable Magnetless Thin Film Waveguide Optical Isolator based on Bismuth Iron Garnet Material Srico与密西根大学的新型隔离器材料
T3H.2 400G Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuit Transceiver Chipsets for CPO, OBO, and Pluggable Modules 麻省Analog光子公司的新成果
T3H.4 Silicon Photonics for 100Gbaud 新飞通的硅光成果
T3H.5 Real-Time Demonstration of Silicon-Photonics-Based QSFP-DD 400GBASE-DR4 Transceivers for Datacenter Applications 阿里海信等的400G硅光模块
T3H.6400Gbps Fully Integrated DR4 Silicon Photonics Transmitter for Data Center Applications Intel 400G DR4硅光模块
W1C.2 An extended L-band EDFA using C-band pump wavelength 华为和加拿大Laval大学 扩展L波段EDFA
W1D.5 1.12 Tbit/s fiber vector eigenmode multiplexing transmission over 5-km FMF with Kramers-Kronig receiver 矢量本征模式复用 香港理工这篇文章我在现场有听,感觉很神奇
W1D.6 Single λ 500-Gbit/s PAM Signal Transmission for Data Center Interconnect Utilizing Mode Division Multiplexing 中山大学团队 模式分割复用 为光通信发展带来全新可能
W1E.1 High-Performance Preamble Design and Upstream Burst-Mode Detection in 100 -Gb/s/λ TDM Coherent-PON CableLabs 100G PON
W1E.3 Performance Comparison of Coherent and Direct Detection Schemes for 50G PON 中兴通讯关于下一代PON的观点
W1G.3 Simultaneous Turbulence Mitigation and Mode Demultiplexing using one MPLC in a Two-Mode 200-Gbit/s Free-Space OAM-Multiplexed Link 看不懂吧,这是我大学同学孩子参与的文章 少有的高分文章
W2A.3 2-dimentional fiber array with reflow compatibility for high-density optical interconnection 住友 2维FA 也可能是连接器的方向(Poster文章)
TH1B.2IEEE 50 Gb/s EPON (50G-EPON)
TH1D.5100-Gbit/s/λ PAM-4 signal transmission over 80-km SSMF based on an 18-GHz EML at O-band 北邮这篇文章对于基于现有激光器的100G单波的实现提供了思路
TH1G.5 Multi-dimensional Distribution Matching for Probabilistically Shaped High Order Modulation Format 这大概是上海交大Mengfan Fu同学获得康宁杰出学生论文奖那篇文章吧
TH4A.1 Isolator-free > 67-GHz bandwidth DFB+R laser with suppressed chirp II-Vi与贝尔实验室合作这篇文章意义非凡
TH4A.2 A 112 Gb/s all-silicon micro-ring photodetector for datacom applications Intel硅光新成就
TH4B.1 Broadband Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier With a Record 115-nm Bandwidth in the O and E Bands 英国南安普顿大学在光放大器的新成果
TH4B.3 Hollow Core NANF with 0.28 dB/km Attenuation in the C and L Bands 同样是南安普顿大学的成果
TH4C.1 Net 321.24-Gb/s IMDD Transmission Based on a >100-GHz Bandwidth Directly-Modulated Laser NTT这篇文章也算一个记录
TH4C.2 1.52 Tb/s single carrier transmission supported by a 128 GSa/s SiGe DAC 贝尔实验室这篇文章我们前面专门介绍过
TH4C.5 172 Tb/s C+L Band Transmission over 2040 km Strongly Coupled 3-Core Fiber 贝尔实验室的光传输新记录