导读:今日,光纤在线会员单位--绍兴中科通信设备有限公司宣布:经过全面评估了COVID-19新冠病毒持续传播的风险以及人们对其日益增长的担忧之后,绍兴中科决定取消参加3月8日至12日在加州圣地亚哥举行的OFC 2020展览和会议。
3/06/2020,光纤在线讯,今日,光纤在线会员单位--绍兴中科通信设备有限公司宣布:经过全面评估了COVID-19新冠病毒持续传播的风险以及人们对其日益增长的担忧之后,绍兴中科决定取消参加3月8日至12日在加州圣地亚哥举行的OFC 2020展览和会议。
.绍兴中科通信设备有限公司/ZKTel Equipment Co., Ltd对于本次取消参展表示:"这是一个艰难的决定,ZKTel一直期待在此次OFC上展示其高端的光芯片,光器件及光模块的研发技术能力, 带来的产品如XGSPON OLT,Comb PON OLT SFP+, 28G Tunable SFP28,SFP28 25G全系列,50G系列产品,200G QSFP+DD等。但是考虑到客户、员工及公众的健康与安全风险,不得不取消参加OFC展会。 "
中科通信在过去一年取得长足发展,各类光模块出货量超过300万只,其中60%以上是海外市场,客户遍及各大洲,除最基本的各类网络应用外,产品还涵盖XGSPON/Comb PON网络, 5G网络,数据中心云计算网络,以及OTN网络。
After a comprehensive assessment of the
risk of the continued spread of COVID-19
virus, and the growing concerns about it,
we decided to cancel our participation
in the OFC 2020 which will be held in
San Diego, California, from March 8 to 12.
For Shaoxing ZKTel Equipment Co., Ltd,
this is a tough decision. ZKTel has been
looking forward to displaying its silicon
photon technology based high-performance
optical device products on the OFC,
including XGSPON OLT,
28G tunable SFP28, SFP28 25G all series,
50G Transceivers, 200G QSFP + DD, etc.
However, considering the health and safety
risks of customers, employees and the
public, we have to cancel the OFC exhibition.
In the past year, ZKTel has made great
progress, shipment for optical modules is
more than 3kk pieces, more than 60% of
which are for overseas markets. In addition
to the most basic network applications, the
products also cover XGSPON/Comb PON
network, 5G network, Data Center and cloud
computing network, and 100G OTN network.
Although ZKTel failed to communicate with
customers and partners on site, ZKTel
team will keep up-to-date information
communication with customers and partners
through online communication
Email: sales@zktel.com.cn