发布时间:2020-02-18 13:14:50 热度:2617
2/18/2020, 距离OFC2020不到20天的时间,由于疫情带来的影响,大量中国参展企业无法顺利参展。我们从OFC官网上获得的信息显示至少150家大陆企业报名参加今年的OFC。根据我们此前调查的情况有一半多企业无法顺利派出参展人员,因此展位空置的情况已经成了定局。
2月17日,参展商之一的珠海三石园科技市场部郭丽君女士联合30多家参展企业联名致信OFC会议主席,中兴通讯美国公司的Jun Shan Wey博士。在Wey博士的协助下,中国时间今早美国光学学会OSA的首席活动与行业联络官Ryan Stowger回信称:
联络人 光纤在线会员服务代表 Zoye Liu 18161913688
附:Ryan Stowger回复原文
OFC is very sympathetic to the concerns of the Chinese scientific community, and in particular those companies and individuals that had hoped to participate in OFC 2020. We are finalizing a plan that aims to provide financial relief to the exhibitors, speakers, and attendees. While this is still a work-in-progress, our expectation is that this plan can be provided to these clients in the coming days. Wen Global Solutions (WGS) is a sales agent for OFC and we are working closely together to coordinate a communications and implementation plan for the OFC and WGS Staff to relay to Chinese exhibitors.
As a global conference representing the optical communications and networking industry, OFC and the co-sponsors are very concerned with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) impacts on the Chinese community. Our sympathies are with those affected and OFC is working hard to mitigate any financial and logistical impacts.
2月17日,参展商之一的珠海三石园科技市场部郭丽君女士联合30多家参展企业联名致信OFC会议主席,中兴通讯美国公司的Jun Shan Wey博士。在Wey博士的协助下,中国时间今早美国光学学会OSA的首席活动与行业联络官Ryan Stowger回信称:
联络人 光纤在线会员服务代表 Zoye Liu 18161913688
附:Ryan Stowger回复原文
OFC is very sympathetic to the concerns of the Chinese scientific community, and in particular those companies and individuals that had hoped to participate in OFC 2020. We are finalizing a plan that aims to provide financial relief to the exhibitors, speakers, and attendees. While this is still a work-in-progress, our expectation is that this plan can be provided to these clients in the coming days. Wen Global Solutions (WGS) is a sales agent for OFC and we are working closely together to coordinate a communications and implementation plan for the OFC and WGS Staff to relay to Chinese exhibitors.
As a global conference representing the optical communications and networking industry, OFC and the co-sponsors are very concerned with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) impacts on the Chinese community. Our sympathies are with those affected and OFC is working hard to mitigate any financial and logistical impacts.