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Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)
会议时间 2014年11月11日 - 11月14
会议城市 - 上海
会议地点 上海国际会议中心
ACP History Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) is currently the largest conference in Asia-Pacific region on optical communications, photonics, optical sensing and relevant optoelectronic technologies. ACP comes from APOC and AOE, and it has been held annually tracing back to 2001. ACP is jointly sponsored by OSA, SPIE IEEE Photonics Society, COS and CIC. There were 804 registered attendees in ACP2013. Former website: ACP 2013 ACP 2012 Contact us If you have any questions, please contact: info@acp-conf.org For paper submission, please contact: submission@acp-conf.org For exhibition and sponsorship, please contact: sponsorship@acp-conf.org http://www.acp-conf.org/